The Adventures of Firebolt by Debbie Pearl and Brittany Nicole Lewis

Superhero stories make us believe in the greater good and always inspire in us a desire to do better, scale new heights, be brave while also in some ways feel safe and protected.

The Adventures of Firebolt by Debbie Pearl and Brittany Nicole Lewis is a fascinating story about love, friendship and self-discovery. Beautifully illustrated by Jack Foster the book is a fun story about the adventures of a dog named Shelby.

Friendship resides in the unlikeliest places and lightly introducing it to kids is this story of friendship between Shelby the dog and Chester the cat.

[Look at this illustration below of them curled up and napping. Such an image of warmth and happiness]

The message that change is constant and it is all around us is subtly brought out. As is the fact that we can easily cope with anything by being strong and having friends by our side.

The story is a simple one of Shelby’s transformation from a beloved family dog to a superhero. In this entire journey of exploration she has her friend Chester the cat by her side.

Chester doesn’t just come up with helpful answers and words of praise; he also stays up all night to make his best friend a gift of the most essential item in every superheroes possession–the superhero costume.

This book is an introductory story that is focused on friendship, self-discovery and bravery. These are going to be followed up by many more such fun ‘furtastic’ stories about Shelby the Firebolt and her friends Fast Eddie, Captain K9 and Aerostar to name a few.

What brought more warmth and cheer to the soul is the story behind the book. Brought out by Dream Fetchers Foundation with support from the Lucy Pet Foundation, these books are based on Shelby the dog from the hit film “A Dog’s Way Home” and her paw friends who have worked in the TV and Movie industry. The aim of all these stories is to teach children “invisible lessons” with stories that promote healing and well-being while bringing happiness and comfort to children all over the world.

So thankful to get this ARC and to get to start 2020 with reading a feel good story about friendship, growth and bravery. Hope you liked my fair and honest review.

Happy Reading :)


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