Cancer Daily Life by Carola Schmidt
Comic books have this great knack to bring you life’s
lessons in a subtle, crisp and often humorous way.
Carola Schmidt in
her new comic book Cancer Daily Life takes
it to an even greater level, one of
perseverance, hope and self-belief.
A quirky take on what cancer entails told from myriad humorous
perspectives and all given in answer to a simple question.
Cancer is?
Rafael Antonio’s
illustrations give a peppy look to Carola’s
words. This comic strip is funny, poignant and trippy and gives us coping
strategies that take a little of the pain away.
While nothing truly takes the pain away, laughter is
sometimes the best medicine we have.
Instilling a sense of togetherness, love, compassion and
strength, this book is a good read for anyone who has or knows someone with cancer.
glad I got this readers copy, it was truly empowering to read. Hope you liked
my fair and honest review.
Happy Reading☺
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