The Benefits of Breathing by Christopher Meeks


Love in its myriad forms is as essential to life as breath.

It envelops us, raises us and even cocoons us from the harsh vagaries of life.

In The Benefits of Breathing, Christopher Meeks takes us on a journey of life itself and the entwined connection it has with love at every stage. Be it the love of a lover or spouse, a parent, friend, sibling or even a child, love is really all around, in its complex, glorious ways.

The Benefits of Breathing is a collection of short stories each filled to the brim with emotional, intense and vivid perspectives on love. To read these is like going through an intense sonata of the love we have experienced in our own lives.

As I read the book what stood out for me was Christopher’s perspective which was so realistic it was as though he was really always standing there, reporting live.

Each and every story is filled with an erudite perspective on relationships. My favourite one by far is one that is as perceptive in nature as Shakespeare’sThe Seven Ages of Man”.

And quirkily enough this story is called “7 Truths about Love”

The first thing that leapt in my mind when I read this was ‘Can love have a universal truth? Is it not subjective to each and every relationship’s parameters?’

Well, then I read this story and once again Christopher’s prowess with finding the essence of relationships stunned me.

The story itself revolves around an estranged couple, a child stuck in-between and the quest to move on in life. To divulge more on the story-line would count as a spoiler so I’m going to stop there on the story.

The 7 truths however are another matter. They are sharp, witty and cut you like a knife. They are also a great edict to work your way through love and life.

“Physicists know about potential energy. A rock balancing on the edge of a roof has much potential energy. So does a person rejected in love.” 

“Love is like a great Hollandaise sauce. Cooking it right is in the details.”

“Look at a person’s quirks. Multiply by five.”

“We are fragile creatures with the delicate bones of a bat. Find a lover who understands that.”

“A good relationship gets messy, like a chocolate bar left in a hot car. If it doesn’t get messy, you’re doing something wrong.”

“Falling in love is like getting your teeth cleaned. There’s the terror, a lot of poking and prodding, and then you come out with a better smile.”

“Love is about surprise. It’s nothing that comes in a Cracker Jack’s box. It’s more like a stumble in the street, and someone catches you.”


This book is filled with many life-lessons and is in essence a great compilation on the way we as a society behave with and love the people around us.

So sit back, relax and journey through life; past, present and future on this roller-coaster of a book on love. Also do remember to breathe.

Happy Reading 😊


So glad I got this RC it was cathartic to read. Hope you liked my fair and honest review.


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