Babushka is Homesick by Carola Schmidt
Since time immemorial, man has been nomadic in nature. Some
of these travels are from a desire to explore, some in search of food, jobs and
education while some are dictated by the cruelty of others.
Migration has touched nearly all of our lives in some way or
the other, often in an unhappy way. With it comes a sense of loss and heartbreak.
A sense of Un-belonging.
Babushka is Homesick by
Carola Schmidt tells a tale familiar
to all, a tale of finding your home.
The 2nd part of the Babushka series, this story follows up on that, with Karina’s grandmother Babushka visiting her homeland for the
first time after escaping Ukraine from a mass genocide when she was little.
Babushka and her friends are both
excited and apprehensive about visiting their homeland again.
Will it be
the same?
Will it bring
back troubled memories of the past?
Will they
finally be at home, at peace again?
It’s only when Babushka reaches and explores Ukraine does she realize that her home is not here in the past but back home with her family, her true heart.
This book series needs to be a must read for kids and
parents alike as it reinforces all the struggles we have gone over generations
to make our homes and keep our families safe.
Our homes are not just the 4 walls that surround us or the
city that we stay in. Our homes are the people that surround us, our family,
our friends and our community.
Adding to Carola’s vision
of home being where the heart is are Vinicius
Melo’s illustrations that take this book to another level. We can envision our world being an inclusive
place where people from all over the world are part of our family.
So glad I got this readers
copy, it was truly a treasure to read. Hope you liked my fair and honest
Happy Reading☺
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