We Toot by Ashley Wheelock and Arwen Evans


We dance
We prance
We sing
We shout
We Toot
Yep, we toot!

It’s one of the biggest cover-ups of societal etiquette. One that has traumatised and left countless souls sobbing in embarrassment.

The secret is out – finally.

People fart, girls fart, boys fart and even animals fart. Its part and parcel of life.

We Toot by Ashley Wheelock and Arwen Evans is a book that pushes open doors of body positivity in kids (and adults too).

Ashley and Arwen really reach out to your heart  with their deft use of light and lyrical language. The words have you bopping your head in agreement and rhyme.

Funky illustrations by Sandie Sonke make this gorgeous book pop, pop and pop.

Acceptance, friendship, fellowship, fun and laughter, this book has it all.

Ideal for all kids and adults this book is also a lovely way to make people dealing with food allergies and IBS accept their bodies and smile again. I know I did.

It also has one of the greatest messages that any child/adult needs to believe in.

“I’m not ashamed of this body of mine”

Wish a book like this had come along when i was a little girl but so glad it is out there now.

We Toot is a book that has taken over my heart, one that i will remember even when i don’t fart.

Also do watch this really cute music video trailer for the book. Had me tapping and dancing.


So, so glad to get this RC, it was a hoot to read. Hope you liked my fair and honest review.

Happy Reading


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