Turtle Crossing by Malve von Hassell


Change can sometimes be frightening.

More so when you are completely uprooted from your safety zone. The place where you are the happiest and feel the most loved – your home.

Life today is constantly evolving with many of us undergoing job shifts, being in constantly transferable jobs or having to shift for emigration or familial reasons. I remember that every time we had to shift town and home while growing up I was faced with trepidation at the unknown that lay ahead.

Turtle Crossing by Malve von Hassell is an endearing little book for children that gently clasps the reader and safely takes them through one of the most difficult journeys they will take – moving home.

Little Oliver is one such turtle who has to face his fear of leaving his beautiful home, with the undulating strawberry fields and rolling cabbage patches.

Scared to leave his home, he hides out in the fields and lets his parents leave without him. (Nothing to worry about, his parents and their family are constantly keeping an eye out for Oliver. They don’t really leave him alone.)

After a few hours alone, Oliver starts missing his family and runs, yes runs after them.

What dangers does Oliver encounter on his quest to reach his family?

Will he be able to outwit all the problems he faces?

Turtle crossing is choc-a-block full of little pieces of nuggets that help us grow in life. All the time reminding us that home, truly is where the heart is.

“There are some things you can’t ever lose. They stay right with you wherever you go."

Truly a must read for any child/adult who is moving home. For those of you who love facts, there is an amazing section at the end filled with fun titbits about box turtles.

So glad I got this RC it was amazing to read. Wish it was there when I was small. Hope you liked my fair and honest review.

Happy Reading


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