Liner by Chris Coppel



Sometimes in life we find ourselves at the very precipice of being unfathomably lost in life.

The walls close in, our breath slows and we feel we are at the end of our existence. Until from the shadows something or someone acts like our lighthouse and brings us back to existence.

The Liner by Chris Coppel is one such tale.

A tale of being lost and then finding the love of your life.

A tale so wonderfully captivating that we fall in love with David (our lost soul) and Diana (the saviour) at once. Just like the liner Oceanis chugs along to its destination, we keep hoping that this match is made.


Something wicked this way comes. It is a horror story after all.

Strange disappearances and appearances.

Dreams that are reality and reality that might be a dream.

And lots of icky green, green globs.

Fair Warning: These of course might keep you from ever using the bathroom again.

Chris’s mastery lies in the way that he weaves us into this very sinister ship in an eerily suspenseful yet fast action thriller way. At one minute we are rooting for David and Diana’s love story, the next we are trapped in a dream and then we are running with them to save a ship from...

Oops, can’t tell you more, you have to read it to believe it.

Be prepared though...

“Nothing has ever happened until the first time it happens.”

Liner is an amalgamation of many genres and it is just full of ‘ahs’ and ‘ohs’ at every turn. A book that reads like a movie! Hope it gets made into one too.


So glad that I got this RC, it was such an intense roller coaster of fun and horror. Hope you liked my fair and honest review. I know its a short review but I didn’t want to give any spoilers away.

Happy Reading








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