Coming Apart by Karen Heenan
Your first and oldest friend.
Your first and oldest confidant.
Your first and oldest protector.
And also (probably)
Your first and oldest enemy.
A bond like no other.
Apart by Karen Heenan is a
saga of sisterhood. Sisterhood at the worst of times and also at the best of
times. A tale woven with such intricacy and depth that it will have you
reliving your life and reaching out to connect with your siblings.
Set amidst the great depression the
story revolves around two sisters Ava and
Claire; and the trials and
tribulations they undergo.
Their lives might have started out in
the same humble beginnings but their paths have long since diverged due to
choices and circumstances.
Ava lives in
a mining town and is literally dirt poor. Life has taught her to become adept
at scrounging around and looking after her mother, husband and numerous
Claire on the other hand lives in
town, is rich and seems to have it all. Or does she?
Estranged for years, the sisters are
forced to reconnect with each other at their mother’s funeral.
Barely able to stay in the same room
as each other, will they tear each other apart or will they be each other’s
strength. After all "No one knows
your weak points like a sister.” And no one knows your strengths like they
do either.
With each page of the novel we see
each sister in her own resolute way tackle problems that are relevant even in
today’s day and age. Death of a parent, a spouse, a child; Poverty,
Infertility, being a single parent and also sexual harassment. We start to feel the depths of their despair
as they battle along silently and bravely. And we shout out at pride at their
strength and gumption.
In Coming Apart, Heenan has
created a world and characters that might be set during the great depression
but is reflective of all modern life as well. A mirror so to say. Times may
have changed but the horrors and highs of life are still the same.
This book will have you reaching out
for the tissue box at various stages while also laughing and celebrating with
the sisters.
sisters is something you don’t get over, I guess.”
And thank god for that!!!
So glad I got this RC.
It is a book that I couldn’t put down and one that I will want to re-read
again. Can’t wait for the sequel. Hope you liked my fair and honest review.
Happy Reading🙂
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